Xochitl the Anti-Bully Buddy

Dali Talks

Programs Used

  • Maya: Character Model, UV Mapping
  • Substance Painter: Texturing
  • Blender: Turna Around Animation, Render
  • Krita: Character Design Illustration

Character Design for an Anti-Bullying Brand

The client for this project is one that is focused on spreading awareness and education focused on the topic of anti-bullying. Dali, the owner of this small business, asked for my creative opinion as to how these topics can be presented to children in a digestible way. I proposed the idea of coming up with a mascot, a cartoon character that can present these messages like Mickey Mouse or pet patrol. This presented the question: What would this character be?

Dali asked if I had any ideas and after some pondering, I realized it was right in front of us. Anti-Bullying, Bully, ... A Bull! Why not take that word back. A bull character might be offended that bad actors are giving a bad name to the animal. The first character I designed was a male character and the task to name the mascot was again mine to complete. So what is a good name for a bull... a bull ... Able!

At this point Dali wanted a female counterpart for Able and that's when I came up with this character design. I wanted to give her a childlike vibe that likes comfortable clothes and bright colors.


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