Wolverine - Stylized

Programs Used


Maya 3D

Substance Painter

When I started the Advance production modeling class, I wanted to choose a design that excited me and would motivate me to keep at it week after week. I decided to go with the stylized Wolverine concept art By Corey Smith. I liked the pushed anatomy giving it a stylized realism and an imposing figure fit for mayhem.

Wolverine is one of my favorite hero characters and if I ever get asked which super power I would have if I could choosse, I always answer with Wolverine's accelerated healing abilties. Partially because I'm historically prone to injuries but also because it alows him to live longer which would be beneficial for me because it would allow me to learn all the things I ever wanted about art animation etc.

The goal for this class is to sculpt and model (with clean topology) a character in A-Pose and as well as posing the character for presentation based on the concept art. The above and below images represent the resultant A-Pose but it didn't start this way.

Here are some of the of the work in progress over the 10 week class.

Blocking out Wolverine
Refining Blockout
Reopologizing the head Wolverine
Retopologizing the Face
Adding Face/Head items
Modeling clothing and adding basic materials

I think my biggest challenge with this character was the balance between stylization and realism. My natural tendency is to go for the sharp plane changes and that is not what this design called for. There are definitely sharper edges but in general the plane changes are more natural and rounded balanced with a few sharper components.


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