Rave Girl - Jules


Programs Used


Maya 3D

Substance Painter

This project was completed during my latest term at Anim School in my Introduction to ZBrush class. The instructor, Charles Ellison, instructed us to choose a character design that inspired us and that we would have fun making. I searched ArtStation for designs and found this one by Robert Brown. In his descrition, he notes that it was inspired by a rave scene.

Character Design by Robert Brown

Once we chose the character, we are tasked with blocking the character out and starting the sculting process. Week by week, we learned new ways to use ZBrush and implemented these skills in ZBrush.

Once the body was modeled, we then got to model the clothing. This was done in Maya for export into ZBrush for more sculpting.

Oonce the clothing was in ZBrush we were able to refine the clothing sculpts and eventually pose the character using T-Pose mesh.

Once the pose is completed, we could export them for texturing in Substance painter and Rendering in Maya.


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